Tuesday, May 22, 2012

EOC Information from the FL Dept of Ed.

End of Course (EOCs) exams are gaining importance in the state of Florida.  In order to have an idea on what to expect on the Algebra 1, Geometry and Biology EOCs take a look at the link below.  There, you will find practice questions so that your student can become familiar with the format of the exams.


For our current 9th graders who entered high school during 2011-2012, the Algebra 1 EOC will determine whether or not the student earns the credit for the course.  The Geometry EOC will count for 30% of the final grade.  The Biology EOC will count for 30% of the final grade.

For 9th graders entering in 2012-2013, the Algebra 1 EOC, Geometry EOC, and Biology EOC will determine whether or not the student earns the credit for the course.  The US History EOC will count for 30% of the final grade.